Made for developers and content creators

Your code snippets all in one place

Easily create and organize your code snippets. Share them with other developers around the world.

What features to expect

We want to offer the best experience for managing your code snippets and discover some features that will bring your experience to a new level.

Organize your snippets

Organize related code snippets into folders the same way you manage your file on the computer.

Find your snippets

Quickly find a code snippet in your whole directory and access it.

Import from GitHub Gist

You can easily import all your code snippets from GitHub Gist to keep them all in one place.

Share your snippets

Share your code snippets with other developers. Give them the ability to interact and improve.

Embed your snippets

For content creators, you can embed your snippet on a blog post or a post on social networks.

Browser extensions

Easily capture and save code snippets while you are browsing on the web.

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